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Matrix inversion.


int n, errcod;
double A[n*n], X[n*n];
double B[n];
int IPS[n];
int minv();

errcod = minv(A, X, n, B, IPS);


Finds the inverse of the n by n matrix A. The result goes to X. B and IPS are scratch-pad arrays of length n. The contents of matrix A are destroyed.

The routine returns nonzero on error; error messages are printed by the subroutine simq().


function test_minv()
* Finds the inverse of the n by n matrix A. The result goes
* to X. B and IPS are scratch pad arrays of length n.
* The contents of matrix A are destroyed
Session.Output("calling cephes.minv( A,X,n,B,IPS) where:");
var n = 10; // n x n matrix A (10x10)
var A = [

var X = new Array(10); // output
var B = new Array(10); // scratch pad
var IPS = new Array(10); // scratch pad

Session.Output(" n = " + n);
Session.Output(" length of A is" + n*n);
Session.Output("A is matrix of " + dimensionsOfArray(A));
var ir = cephes.minv(A,X,n,B,IPS);

var s = cephes.geterrormsg();
Session.Output("error output by minv: " + s);
Session.Output("minv returned " + ir);
Session.Output("X is matrix of " + dimensionsOfArray(X));